You can contribute to conservation of these species by submitting observations of Canada Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher, and Rusty Blackbird from anywhere in Nova Scotia. Information of interest includes the locations of these birds, evidence they are breeding, and their habitat characteristics.
Anyone can participate as a volunteer! Observers of all birding skill levels can make meaningful contributions to this project. You can help by submitting “casual observations” from anywhere in Nova Scotia that you observe a Canada Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher, or Rusty Blackbird. And if you have more time to comit, you can sign up to complete a standardized survey for these birds at a pre-determined location. See the Survey Levels page for more information.
Contact Us
Contact us to get involved, submit observations, or ask questions about our work. We can be reached in several ways:
(1) By email: landbirdSAR@merseytobeatic.ca
(2) Through Facebook Landbirds at Risk in Forested Wetlands
(3) By phone: Call Dr. Cindy Staicer (902) 494-3533
(4) By mail: Dr. Cindy Staicer, Biology Dept, PO Box 15000, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2