Common Nighthawk Conservation and Threats

Conservation and Threats

Between 1968 and 2005 the Common Nighthawk population in Canada has suffered a decline of about 50%. Between 2002 and 2012 the annual rate of decline was 2.26% in Canada, and 3.52% in Nova Scotia.

The widespread use of insecticides in both agricultural and urban areas has affected the primary food source of Common Nighthawks, flying insects. It has been suggested that insecticide use may be a contributing factor in the overall decline in this species, though currently there is no direct evidence of this.

Much about the life history Common Nighthawk remains poorly understood, especially in the southernmost part of their range and wintering grounds. More information about this species is required in order to make informed decisions about their conservation.

Conservation status of this species nationally and in Atlantic Canada:

COSEWIC Threatened
SARA Threatened (Schedule 1)
Nova Scotia Threatened