
If you would like to help out in our project in other ways, and would be able to do one or more of the following, please send us an email expressing your interest at landbirdSAR@merseytobeatic.ca:

  1. Lead a field trip or training session: If you are an experienced birders and would like to lead a field trip or training session for current and future volunteers, please let us know. These would be done during the summer months in Nova Scotia and would involve learning how to identify the three SAR land birds (Canada Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Rusty Blackbird), their habitats, and how to conduct field surveys.
  2. Organize a workshop: We hold workshops throughout Nova Scotia to discuss the conservation and general biology of the three SAR land birds (Canada Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Rusty Blackbird), how to identify them by sight and sound, share our findings, generate a discussion about stewardship and tell others about our different volunteering opportunities. If you think you could help us organize a workshop (by gathering a group of birders, nature enthusiasts, conservationists or anyone interested in conserving our three species) please let us know.
  3. Offer a ride for others: If you are available to drive others to a field site, this can allow both you and those that are unable to drive to take part in our team!